In the first days of the conflict in the Middle East between Hamas and Israel our initial concern was for the children on both sides of the conflict and our first statement was to stop the killing of children on both sides Conflict in the Middle East.

It wasn’t long before we realized that in an era of social media with both information and disinformation readily available, children in Canada would be exposed to the hatred from both sides and to the horrific results of that hatred.As the stories and visual atrocities of that distant war flowed into Canada, we began to see incidents of racism, antisemitism and islamaphobia increase in this country.

We cannot protect our children from all the angry and vengeful information assaulting them but we do have an obligation to provide alternatives.

One of the most important messages is that Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people and the Israeli government does not represent all Jews.

There is a concern that failure to condemn the actions of Hamas or the Israeli Government is to accept their actions by our silence. We do not need to be silent but the way we express our concern is critical.

There are small multifaith groups that are showing the way by focusing on peace and the protection of all people. What if the large groups who often stand across from each other spitting out their hate and need for revenge; what if those large groups stood shoulder to shoulder demanding peace and protection for all? What a powerful message!

More than 4000 children have been killed in Gasa and Israel. It is time to stop the fighting and protect the children. If Canada with its multitude of different cultures and backgrounds, primarily living in peace, cannot provide its children with positive and protective messages, who can?